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Welcome to the World of the SE-5 1000

Medical Content
The contents of this website have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. The SE-5 1000 is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your physician before beginning any exercise or research program.
The content of the SE-5 1000 web site, including text, graphics, images, information obtained from contributors and all other content, is offered on an informational basis only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always seek the advice and guidance of a qualified health provider before:
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This site may contain health and medical-related materials which some may find sexually explicit and personally offensive. It is the nature of a medical site that frank talk about, and discussions on, a variety of topics may occur. The SE-5 1000 moderator will attempt to moderate discussions and review content. From time to time, however, there may be articles and/or discussions which some people find offensive. Entry into the SE-5 1000 web site, and all the areas of this site, constitutes acceptance of this risk.
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The SE-5 1000 web site and its content are provided “as is.” Living From Vision and Don Paris Ph.D. (h.c.), to the fullest extent permitted by law, disclaim all warranties, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of third parties’ rights, and fitness for particular purpose. Specifically, Living From Vision and Don Paris Ph.D. (h.c.) makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the content, software, text, graphics, links, or communications provided on or through the use of the web site.
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Latest News
Here is a link to download the August Radionic Homestead Report from Lutie Larsen.

What's New In the SE-5 1000?
As with the previous versions of the SE-5, the SE-5 1000 is easy to use in almost endless areas of research: Health, Business, Animals, Agriculture, etc.

Current Status of SE-5 1000
The SE-5 1000 ...Gold!
Introducing the
SE-5 1000 GOLD

We have just introduced the SE-5 1000 GOLD!
Gold has been the store of value for thousands of years.
That is because gold has very special properties. Its molecular structure is very stable. So it doesn’t tarnish or change with age.
It is also the world’s best electrical conductor and that is why is used so often in electronic components.
Did you know that the Chinese mine gold from recycled computers? They get more gold out of computers than they do from the ground!
But Gold also has very interesting aspects to it in regards to IDF Research.
It appears that it is best conductor of subtle energy fields and informational fields.
We continue to improve the software for the SE-5 1000 almost daily. So check back often for software updates. You need to log in first (for owners of SE-5 1000 only) and then go to Updating Your SE-5 1000 on the left sidebar.
The new Multi-Language software version has just been released and we can now use it to its fullest potential.
Using the SE-5 1000 software, you can now do several analysis sessions during the day time, and then set the SE-5 and your laptop up to balance each person, one after another while you sleep. This is a very BIG improvement that has taken a long time to be realized, but it is now a reality.
In addition to the Mulit-Language software (English/German/French/Japanese) we also have the Firmware (the internal software inside of the SE-5 1000) in German. After you log in, click on Updating your SE-5 and you will find the links on how to update your internal programs and firmware into German.
We have just launched a new website in Japanese. www.se-5.jp
Most all of our training materials are now translated into Japanese and also German.
Zusätzlich zu den Mulit-Language-Software (Deutsch / Englisch / Französisch / Japanisch) haben wir auch die Firmware (die interne Software innerhalb der SE-5 1000) in deutscher Sprache. Nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben, klicken Sie auf “Updating your SE-5” und finden Sie die Links, wie Sie Ihre interne Programme und Firmware-Update ins Deutsche zu finden.
This website is devoted just to the SE-5 1000. It has a lot of new information and also some that you might have already seen on www.se-5.com
This site has two parts to it…